avoiding the "quick fix" mentality

there is a tendency to want to believe that if the right words are spoken in the right order, then complex problems will magically disappear. Well usually they won’t.

via Challies, here is how Michael Hyatt puts the temptation:

Many touted the Financial Stability Bill (a.k.a. the $700 billion bailout package) as a silver bullet for the economy. “If Congress will just pass this legislation,” the argument went, “everything will return to normal.” Not so much.

Unfortunately, in times of crisis, it’s not just the government that resorts to the thinking represented by this metaphor. Leaders in business and elsewhere are also guilty. Whenever we embark on a quest for a singular solution to our current woes, we are guilty of “silver bullet thinking.

Michael then goes on to give four principles to use instead of “silver bullet thinking” as a company faced with the current business climate.

As christians, do we have a tendency to do the same thing when confronted with crisis? do we just recite romans 8:28 as if it is a curative mantra? Or do we engage with God, the Bible and careful self-examination?

Do we think of prayer as a potential “get out of [trouble] free card”? or do we think of prayer as the opportunity to engage with our creator/God and praise Him anyway, no matter what the storm is?

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