
the questions are several. how do you love someone without giving them the impression that their activity is ok? How do you accept someone without accepting their actions? How do you insure that someone knows that God loves us all as the sinners that we are but that He loves us too much to leave us in that condition? How do you point out that someone is being disobedient to God without coming across as judgmental?

These are serious real life questions that we all have to face at some point in our lives. Probably many times. Jennifer Knapp’s announcement is one such occasion for coming up with answers.


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One Response to tightrope

  1. charissa says:

    well, you know me… i’ve never heard of Jennifer Knapp. I read her interview and can see that she is sincere. I can easily pray for her and leave it with God to deal with it as He sees fit. The harder thing would be when this is a family member or close friend. Ultimately, I guess the answer is the same. Pray for them and leave the judgment with God. We have a responsibility to speak the truth in love but we can’t change a person’s heart. You can’t avoid coming across as judgmental. It’s inevitable. Even if you bare your own sin struggles to the person you are talking to, people committed to living with their favorite sin will hear judgement. They won’t hear love.

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