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do you agree or disagree with congregationalism? (governance of the church by the congregation).

I grew up Baptist which means basically that we were pastor led congregational governance model churches.

I never really thought about whether or not that was an appropriate biblical model of church governance until a series of events in 2003 plunged me into some very intense, prolonged, fevered, pressured search of scripture on these points over most of that year.

After that time of study, I became convinced that congregationalism is not an appropriate model. God’s model is elder led under the guidance of Jesus, the chief shepherd. Period. Full Stop.

If you want, I can show you my reasons for this belief.

Anyway, here is a long essay by Nathan Finn arguing in favor of congregationalism. Have a look at it and then go decide for yourself whether such a model is scriptural.

here is a key paragraph:

We must also understand that congregational church polity does not negate the authority of pastors/elders as they lead the church. Rather, congregationalism argues that pastoral authority is a derived authority, exercised under the lordship of Christ, in accountability to the whole church. Furthermore, healthy pastoral leadership should result in spiritual maturity among the members of the congregation, which should in turn result in a Christ-centered congregationalism. Biblically healthy churches must be willing to follow the (godly) leadership of their pastors, while godly pastors must be willing to lead in a manner that is consistent with the will of the (biblically healthy) congregation. Congregationalism reminds us both that pastors are not dictators and that churches are not ochlocracies.

the only support that Mr. Finn gives for the belief that congregational governance is scriptural is the fact of the priesthood of the believers. I Peter 2:5-9.

Does the priesthood of the believers necessarily result in congregational governance? Or does this concept more accurately describe our individual relationship to God in the new covenant? See Jeremiah 31:31-34, Hebrews 8, and Acts 17:11.

Authority of the body of believers resting in the body does not follow from the fact that each member has direct access to God without the need of any mediating earthly priest.

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3 Responses to more reading

  1. Pingback: elder led « Interstitial

  2. Pingback: elder led church « Interstitial

  3. Don Haley says:

    Our church is in the process of going from a Deacon led church to an Elder led church. I would like to gather as much information and insight from your organization on this issue and the criteria/character you would recommend for this position. Thank you

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