
R.C. Sproul teaches about how to pray in two parts.

the Practice of Prayer (part1)
the Practice of Prayer (part2)

here is the introduction from part 1:

The Lord’s Prayer was given to the church in response to the disciples’ request that Jesus teach them to pray. In the masterful example of the Lord’s Prayer we have seen the priorities of prayer. We can also detect a pattern of prayer, a fluid movement that begins with adoration and moves finally to petition and supplication.

The acrostic “ACTS” has been useful to follow as a pattern for prayer. Each letter in the acrostic represents a vital element of effective prayer:

The complete acrostic “ACTS” suggests the dynamic dimension of prayer. Prayer is action. While it may be expressed in a spirit of serene quietness, it is action, nevertheless. When we pray, we are not passive observers or neutral, detached spectators. Energy is expended in the exercise of prayer.

The Bible tells us that it is the fervent, effectual prayer of the righteous man that avails much. Fervency characterized Jesus’ agony in Gethsemane, where his sweat fell to the ground as droplets of blood. Fervency describes Jacob’s all-night wrestling match with the angel at Peniel. Prayer is an exercise of passion, not of indifference.

I love the idea of passionately engaging with God in prayer. It is an awesome and life changing experience.

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0 Responses to prayer

  1. darrell says:

    thanks for writing on prayer. there can never be enough christians who emphasize prayer. I just started a blog and we are focusing on prayer this entire month. check out the latest post and let me know what you think.

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