two quick hits

here are two quick hits from the Sola Panel courtesy of the Ramblin’ Pastor Man.

first Gavin Perkins gives us a reminder to be faithful in the little things.

Recently I have observed this phenomenon: there is an inverse relationship between dreaming great visions and faithfulness in the little things. The people who have the grandest, most sweeping plans and strategies for the future are likely to be unreliable and untrustworthy in the smaller, short-term tasks and responsibilities. They talk about the great things they want to achieve for God in the years to come, but right now they tend to drop the ball in significant ways.
Jesus is clear in Matthew 25:21 that faithfulness will be rewarded: “Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.” If you want to achieve great things for God, start by doing the little things well now. Turn up when you say you will. Follow through on your commitments. Finish the tasks set before you. Prove yourself to be reliable.

he then talks about two mindsets that need to change to accomplish the result of being faithful in the small things. Good stuff.

Second Jean William reminds us of the extent of God’s sovereignty over this world.

So I give thanks to God that when I meet him in the Bible, he not only sustains the universe, but counts every hair on my head (Heb 1:3, Luke 12:7, 21:18); that he directs not only the hearts of kings, but the outcome of every roll of dice (Prov 21:1, 16:33); that he determines not only the fate of nations, but every one of my days (Job 12:23, Ps 139:16).

Every atom, every electron, every quark and undiscovered subatomic particle, every unseen thought and feeling of the human heart is under God’s sovereign command. I can face every moment of every day, and every moment of every future day with confidence, knowing that my loving Father guides every circumstance for his glory, my good and the good of the gospel.

emphasis added.

Go read the whole post for a biblical refutation of the idea that God is only sovereign over the “big stuff.”

God knows it all, planned it all, and works it all together to the praise of His glorious grace. AMEN. if that doesn’t perk you up, then let’s talk some more.

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