he knew what was in man

John Piper’s sermon from last sunday on John 2:23-25 is both haunting and reassuring.

John 2:23-25

Now when he was in Jerusalem at the Passover Feast, many believed in his name when they saw the signs that he was doing. 24 But Jesus on his part did not entrust himself to them, because he knew all people 25 and needed no one to bear witness about man, for he himself knew what was in man.

Jesus was omniscient. He didn’t need anybody to tell him anything about people. He knew what was in man. as a result, he didn’t entrust himself to them. But at the same time, while we remained completely powerless and in our sin, he died for us and rose again.

Here is the introductory paragraph to the sermon, but go read, listen to, or watch the whole thing. I am enjoying John Piper’s journey through the Gospel of John.

In view of this, John 2:23-25 has an unsettling effect. What it says, in essence, is that Jesus knows what is in every heart, and so he can see when someone believes in a way that is not really believing. In other words, Jesus’ ability to know every heart perfectly leads to the unsettling truth that some belief is not the kind of belief that obtains fellowship with Jesus and eternal life. Some belief is not saving belief.

So there are two things to focus on here. First is the glory of the omniscience of Jesus. And the second is the discovery that there is a kind of faith in Jesus that he does not approve and does not accept

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0 Responses to he knew what was in man

  1. cheswa says:

    this set off my anxiety meter big time. i read the whole article. todd told me to quit reading things that my mind couldn’t understand. ha

  2. bkingr says:

    Hey Charissa. Why anxious?

  3. cheswa says:

    because my faith is not what i want it to be. i have prayed for years “i believe, help my unbelief”. years.

  4. bkingr says:

    yeah. me too. But he does.

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