Rick Santelli goes off

Everybody has probably seen this already, but let me tell you, this was some good T.V. right here.

Hat tip to KLo and Reformissionary.

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0 Responses to Rick Santelli goes off

  1. Mike says:

    Three cheers for Rick Santelli. My wife and I scrimped and saved and paid off our house. We pay our taxes and are putting three kids through college. Tell Comrade Obama and his political machine (who don’t pay their own taxes) we are fed up with the handouts and his Socialist crap!

  2. Denis Allen says:

    Why aren’t the CEO’s of these banks that got us into this mess with the mortgages being investigated? Why are they still allowed to run the companies? Some people need to do time for this, and I don’t mean in some Federal Country Club! They also need to have all of their ill gotten gains taken away, just like drug dealers! Why should they GET AWAY WITH THIS AND WE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE PAY FOR IT????!!!!!

  3. bkingr says:

    Hey Dennis,

    thanks for dropping by. You might want to do a little more research before you start agitating for criminal charges against bankers doing what the government required them to do. Check out this article and this one. Then google the Community Reinvestment Act of 1995. Look carefully at the role of Senator Chris Dodd and Representative Barney Frank. Then ask yourself who should be investigated….

  4. Denis Allen says:

    As a tax payer, I’m sick and tried of always paying for someone else’s mistakes and I don’t think I’m the only one! OK, if it’s the GOVERNMENT, then it’s long past time for all of them to GO! Someone needs to pay for this mess and it shouldn’t be the tax payers. So, I quess there needs to be a grass roots campaign to replace them all. I’m sure there are some really good ones in Congress, but they will survive if they are really doing what’s right for the American people and not just their district or state but all of the USA.
    We the people need to determine the first to go (the next one up for re-election) and search vigorously to find the right person to replace them and campaign vigorously to get it done. Use their own system against them. Use action groups to poor money into campaigns against the incumbent that needs replaced. It appears, we don’t even need our candidates approval, ie; this ad sponsored by People For The People.
    I know this is just a rant, but won’t it be great if the People actually did it?

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